User Interface vs User Interference
Making a game is easy(*), making a game fun is hard work! I think that a lot of people will be surprised

(*) easy, adv. "Knowing and using Flash, Actionscript, Database design/connectivity, Server Side Scripting, Networking, Legal, Finance, Accounting, Customer support, Art, Animation, Music, Writing, and the occasional bad pun... easy!" (Note: Definition changed from Adj to Adverb -- thanks Dadric!)
AdventureQuest is currently celebrating three years of web
based adventuring.
Oct 26,2005
The Battle System
It is easy, fast, and getting a big critical hit will give
you a warm and fuzzy feeling! You can have up to three
allies and a pet on your side battling against up to
three opponents.
Select a target, then click on what you want to do. On
your character's turn, all of your attacks, spells and
abilities will appear as buttons. Every few levels, you
should gain a new class skill adding a little more fun
and strategy
to the combat. By default, the middle monster (or the
last monster you attacked)
selected as your target when you start your turn. In
the future there may even be strategic reasons why you
want to target and attack friendly combatants (Ever see
Inuyasha's brother's sword?). Our initial batch of monsters
will be
quite dumb... attacking wildly and randomly. However,
expect well balanced groups of challenging foes who know
how to
battle against seasoned adventurers. As soon as we complete
the first version of the battle system, we are going
to do a little clean up work and prepare a "Alpha Test" Quest.
We will need the help of AQ Guardians to go through the
quest several times testing (and trying to break) the game.
news on this to come!
Update: Wednesday, 2:45pm -- Zhoom wins
the first battle in DragonFable!
Oct 21,2005
Zhoom and myself hiked through the woods in search of the
origin of a weak wireless signal that we detected (Lets call
it "War-hiking") earlier in the
morning. We
found the signal coming from
a Gym... where I wrote the best news update ever while Zhoom downloaded the MS-XML
patch we desperately needed to continue working... BUT -- my laptop abruptly
ran out of power and the news post dissapeared along with
the sound of my once spinning hard-drive. Moral: Always bring your power cable.
Meanwhile, in another part of Georgia... our Artix Entertainment, LLC Spy Satellite
(I am making this one up) captured this image: Twilly & Zorbak.
(Note: This frightening and is
the first image of the final Twilly and Zorbak prototypes)
ALERT: Twilly and
Zorbak have gone missing... adventuring in the wilds
of Georgia?
Oct 21,2005
DragonFable is being made... in the mountains! -
Galanoth flew down to Florida earlier this week (Luring another
hurricane as per tradition with his visits). He returned
home early and is now launching
the AdventureQuest Wizard
and soon the highly anticipated start of Mogloween
3rd Birthday!).
Meanwhile, in anticipation of the upcoming storm several of us relocated and
are now continuing to work on DragonFable from a remote and secret location deep
within the mountains (more like big wooded hills) of North Georgia. (No, seriously,
up). We are getting close to having the engine completed. I am far past the point
of obsession and just would like to let everyone know that nothing
will prevent me from completing DragonFable, even if I have to sell all of my
worldly possessions,
spare body parts
and soul to do it. For
on the November Beta Test start for Guardians, please
Oct 12th post. In other news, the Twilly and Zorbak Prototypes were brought on
the trip along with a camera... "Meh heh heh heh"
Oct 18,2005
//Sorry folks, the coding bug got me!
this.project = isGoingWell + "and we are about to..."
AttackOur += ("1st" + monster); if (AllGoesWell) { with (this) { WeCanAll.gotoAndPlay("DragonFable Beta" + onSchedule)
WeRealyHopeThatThis = new Function(ality){ isWorthIt(); TheFinal.push("is always the hardest") // Wish us luck... :-) } } }
Oct 17,2005
Breaking stuff faster than you can say whoops!
This developer's journal is very honest. Perhaps, too honest....
but this is how things really go. The true behind the scenes
struggles and horror that you
would expect from people working on an ambitious dream -- to create the greatest
Flash RPG in the world! Our current goal is to have a
working battle system by the end of the week. Well, this one works, but it
has very limited options and... is... really
easy to beat. *Chuckles* (Note: This is also what it looks like when you
z-ordering backwards on the monsters)
Oct 14,2005
Getting ready to Quest!
First things first; as promised, live from the database: A
working character
info screen! (Nice stats, eh?) Also, here is a screenshot of the current
quest info screen. From the first screenshot you can also see that the
health bars are now working. The scripting engine is once again working and
are loading from the database. We did not get to work on the battle engine
yesterday, but there are just a few more things that need to be done first.
We decided to
make the quests winnable first (since defeating a monster is not always needed
to win a quest.) These
are going to get a lot more interesting as soon as work on the Battle Engine
is underway. Then you can find out about the fighting strategy
DragonFable and get an idea for which character class you want to play first.
News Update: Zhoom just played and won the very first DF quest!
(Which was a perilious journey fraught with peril... he had to walk from one
side of the screen
to the other which earned him a whomping 100 exp!) Safiria made us all Strawberry
drinks to celebrate. If you would like to celebrate the first quest (and are
not allergic to Stawberries) we highly recommend making or getting an exotic,
non-alcholic frozen strawberry
drink this weekend! (They look like HP potions)
Oct 13,2005
I am writing this post early (9pm the night
before) as we are just wrapping up and I thought you might
like to know where we are at. The game is successfully loading the player,
monster, and npc data in a "usable" form -- as fearfully explained
in the Oct 11th post.
walk around engine is now fully working which means we are now working
the COOL
Update: Because of the ability to bring along, or even play NPCs... Dragonfable has to have the most insane structure of all time. We are truly in the sludgy icky part of the development process where everything comes together. AND, *laughing*, we are running short on creative words that are synonyms for character/player/avatar/unit/party/etc to use for variable names. Feel bad for Zhoom... he is trying to make the new scripting engine (which was done before I changed it on him) ... (that controls literally every moving thing on the screen) ... (that is the foundation for everything that happens in dragonfable) work no matter where the movieclip in our berserk series of timelines and embedded movieclips. The good news, however, is that by tomorrow you will see the first screenshot of a character info screen! *Insert nervous chuckle here*
Oct 12,2005
"Have faith"
Life tests us by throwing all of our most difficult challenges
once, back to back, and seemingly non-stop.
actions during these difficult times are the very things that determine
are the main character in real life, when this time comes for you and you experience
the feeling that only someone at their lowest point of helplessness can feel...
when you have done everything you can... made all the choices you can make...
with indominatable spirit... the
simply, "Have
So... anyone want to see a screenshot of the monsters
dynamically loaded for battle?
Zhoom vs the Monsters
Yesterday we built the first monster pack. It features
a fire elemental, an earth elemental, and a random undead
fellow (who really needs a bath). We also altered
the walk around engine so that your character can be a different size, and
move at a different speed depending on the scene. This
means some scenes will be "close
ups" and others you will be far shot landscape views. We can make your character
1x1 pixel or fill the screen with your characters toe. We encountered a funny
bug where the character randomly started moon walking... but we are done moving
backwards now and have officially begun the final and most complicated step.
This dangerous and difficult task will weigh heavily on Zhoom's shoulders today
-- integrating the character, monster, npc data that is in one set of files with
the code, functions, and movieclips that makes up the graphical models (Sorry
I did not know a better way to put it... he is um... putting everything together
your fingers crossed for him. Go Zhoom go!
Oct 10,2005
Zorbak and Twilly dolls arrived!
.... and they look, AWESOME! Also, it is Monday and every
just arrived to resume work on DragonFable today. Through
the weekend we wrote the data
will let
us have buffs, debuffs, and limitless options for combatants. The
promised 3 vs 3, but it seems it would be very possible to do 3 vs 100 (assuming
we could
them all on the screen). On a complete side note
-- our new pre-loader is working. Much improved! This new pre-loader allows
you to load multiple files at once and if any part fails, it gives you the choice
retry or exit back to the main screen. This new pre-loader works for anything
from weapons to towns which means it is very unlikely that you will ever be booted
out of DragonFable for a file load bug. We also are in
he process of making a random character name generator (To help in the brain
storming process for players making new characters). To demo it I made a quick random
generator. It has a very small vocabulary but it neat! Perhaps someone would
like to start lists of weapons, materials, titles, and effects on the message
forum that we could plug into it. Does
the "you
Oct 7,2005
One step forward... and two more step forwards
We did it! We actually logged into the game and walked
around for the first time today! On our private testing
server we now have the following functionality
- New user sign up
- Login
- Create new characters
- Character selection (and management)
- Loading character, starting town and quest files
- Exploration and basic interaction
- Semi working Inventory, Quest, and "The Temporary Item Sack"
Several AQ npcs have now been converted to DragonFable format -- Galanoth, Artix, Robina and Warlic. Next we need a moglin or two (what game would be complete without one!?). But... I have question for you. How could anyone possibly improve Zorbak? If the AQ banner is still up on the right, take another glance at him. He is stylish, angsty, and 100% ebil. Do you think we should keep him exactly as he is? Also, do not forget it is October -- which means Mogloween is coming -- which will be the celebration of AQ's 3rd birthday! (3 years!!!!)
Back from Vancouver - Artix
After a long business trip and three weeks of icky strep
I am finally back to 100%. Currently, some popular AQ characters are being
altered to "DF Style" for the beta quests. New art coming in a few days!
Sept 7,2005
Back from DragonCon - Artix
I just returned from DragonCon (If you have not seen the Zorbak
Goes to Con page
which is full of pictures from the event...
be sure to check it out!) A
new "DragonFable"
is now in place. A special thanks to Mysizaar for the design concept! It is not
kicks the old ones arse! We have been making incredible
progress on the game.
buildings for the huge new starting town while Zhoom is playing "connect
to the database". In other news there are a lot of things being created
for AdventureQuest this week for the next big event in that game. You can bet
your Vorpal Blade it will involve Zorbak (Although, I keep hearing something
about Leroy Jenkins too.)
July 26,2005
New website released! - Artix
I am very pleased to report our new official DragonFable
website is live! For a short while now, we had a little information
site up and
and we
how long
it would take anyone to find it. Google located it
a few
days -- which is amazing! I hope you like this design and layout.
Web design is not my strong suit, but the site is extremely
functional and can go a long way for us. Please let us know
what you think on the AQ message forums.
General News
Game Content Update - Artix
We now have the completed artwork for thirteen new monsters,
five male class armors, five female class armors, two NPC models,
an interface, 20
+ ability
icons, and
two game areas (Forest and Caves). Some of the new artwork
was used to create the graphics on this site. We hope you like
it! Let us know what you think so far.
Connect with our online game community!