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2008 We will have DragonFable back up ASAP and sorry again for the interruption in game play. So.... Anyone got any cards? UPDATE: Zhoom says that it take longer than he expected to get the game back up and running. We will give you updates as soon as we know more, and post as soon as the game goes live again. UPDATE: Zhoom says that something is wrong with the refund code and taking far longer than expected. The refund will be delayed but the game will be returned to normal functionality. Sorry, guys. False alarm. Zhoom is currently working on the code to find the bugs, and will have the refunds for you as soon as he can. In the mean time, if the bug gave one of you 2,469,093,210 Dragon Coins... just let us know. UPDATE: The game is back up! DC Sell Back is LIVE! The refunds are still going to be a while. It really depends on how hard the bug is to track down, but you WILL get your retroactive refunds as soon as possible. UPDATE: The first reports are coming in from people who are selling DC items that they've been hanging onto for a long time. The current versions of these drops have been converted to gold drops, but the old versions will still have the DC sell-back. |
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2008 This is where you go "uh oh". And then I say: No, it's cool. Check this out. We're all really excited about DragonCon even though it's still 6 months away. I've been the last 2 years and both years were legendary. My first year we met Stratos, a DF player for whom the Stratospheric Tachi was created. The next year we got to hang out with Stratos again and we got to meet about six other players. This year, I am expecting no less than 2 billion DragonFable players at D-Con. I might be over-estimating a little bit. BUT, if you A) plan on going to DragonCon, B) are able to find me there C) come up to me and ask-for / demand your left sock and D) give me your character ID.... When I get back from D-Con I will drop a special "Left Sock" supe-rare DragonCon only item into your character's backpack. I'm not sure what it will do yet. Maybe it will be a sock themed bacon element pet. I might also give you your left sock back in person. Fun, right? |
2008 "How many things taste great with Bacon -- hosted by Cysero!" * ... and after how badly I am destined to embarrass myself, it is likely to be our last! Stardate:
Supplemental Here is the new Dragon Coin sell-back policy: Once you buy a DC item you will have 24 hours from the time of purchase to return the item for 90% of the original cost. AFTER THAT, the DC item will have a flat 25% DC sell back. But wait... there's more. As of THIS FRIDAY, Feb 1, 2008 (when the new sell-back goes into effect) we will ALSO be reaching back into the past and giving you a 25% refund for ANY Dragon Coin item that you have destroyed in the last 9 months! It breaks down like this: After this Friday, if you buy a DC item, you will have 24 hours from that minute to return the item to any vendor in the game for 90% of it's original DC price. After that, (24 hours and one minute) the item will sell back for 25% of its original cost. This applies for any item in the game except stackable items like Dragon Chow. But wait... there's more. We will also be releasing some new DC items in Cysero's Superstore of Savings... and at least one new quest in Zhoom's zone. Probably two new quests. In order to retroactively refund 25% of every destroyed item's price for the last 9 months we will have to take the game down for about 20 minutes. We're planning on doing that pretty early on Friday morning (like 2-4 am server time). We' apologize in advance for the interruption in game play. But wait... there's more! No... wait. I was mistaken. There isn't more.
That's it. You can go now. |
January 28th, 2008
New Boss Monster in DragonFable this week! |
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2008 We're still working on today's release. I'll tell you that it will probably be 2 quests in Zhoom's quest chain furthering the plot line in The Sandsea as you and Zhoom team up to capture one of the most elusive members of the reisitance. The first of the two will have a puzzle mini-game built into the quest. It's not hard to figure out but hopefully it will show you heroes down a little. There will be a few new monsters which is fantastic considering that Ghost has been sick all week. There will be some new Free and DA weapon drops as well. We'll let you know as soon a we've rolled out the new quests (which will probably be in several hours) UPDATE: The release is live folks! Head to The Sandsea and talk to Zhoom to continue your search for the Orb of Light. The resistance needs YOU! |
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2008 Effecttive February 1st, 2008: When you purchase a Dragon Coin (DC) Item from an in-game vendor (like my shop, for example) you will have 48 hours from the minute of purchase to return that item to ANY VENDOR in the game for 90% of the original Dragon Coin price. We've had to make a few changes in the game to support this new, pretty awesome functionality but most of those changes are things that you'll never see. This policy will NOT apply to stackable items like the dragon chow that Lady Celestia sells. This has been a long time coming, and we're all very happy to have something like this inside DF. It will hopefully make every pile of Dragon Coins in the game last a LOT longer, go a lot further, and if you've ever accidentally purchased the wrong item (like me) then you should love this. Rather than just living with your slip up and having to destroy your accidental item, you get 48 hours to return it for nearly the full purchase price! Here are a couple of questions that should be adressed: "What if I have purchased few
months ago?" Unless a few months ago was in the last 48 hours, then you will not be able to return the item. The return policy only applies to 48 hours after the purchase. After 48 hours, there is no return or sell back. "So this means we'll be able to sell drops that cost DCs for DCs? " Sadly no. The return counts for items purchased, not found. DC drops will not be returnable, only destroyable. And remember, this is going into effect Feb 1. It's not in the game now. On to this week's release. Zhoom is used to working alone but so far he's been very pleased with your work. This friday he will need your help catching one of the most elusive members of the resistance. This quest will have several new enemies for you to face, a few interesting weapon drops, an interesting puzzle minigame and will hopefully take you one step closer to getting your hands on the Orb of Light. There has been a lot of talk on the forums about the ranger class and we're working on the class skill list as we speak (go go geopetal!) but the ranger class is NOT coming this week. Sorry to disappoint you. Other than working on the DC return functinality, the next step in Zhoom's quest chain and the ranger class we have also been working on a lot of Mid Secret (not quite Top Secret) functionality. It's still in its baby stages but we have taken a few leaps toward player housing (far distant future releases). I dunno about you guys, but I've played the Sims, I lived and breathed Animal Crossing for the Cube and I'm looking really forward to DF's own version of "Let's find a lamp to match this rug". Does that make me weird? |
January 22th, 2008 I went to the Border's book store and purchased a few manga and a warm cup of cocco. The book store had a huge lounge area with tables were people can read and enjoy their drinks... some students go there to study. I remember it well... I made ArchKnight here. I crossed my legs and sat back into the big fluffy chair and enjoyed the still silence as all of the other customers sat and quietly flipped the pages of their book. The girl behind the counter smiled and called my name for me to come get my drink. (See, perfectly normal, non-embarrasing, relaxing moment) So I got the drink and sat down at a different table and flipped open my copy of "Heros are Extinct II" and turned the page... Otherwise it was a perfectly normal day. Other than falling asleep for 30 minutes on the couch at the Sam Ash Music store sound recording department (embarrasing), running into (almost literally) Warlic there, then becoming trapped at the Mall during a storm with a Tornado. Hmm, the funny thing about the way I worded that sentience is it sounded like the Tornado was trapped in the mall with me during the storm. Battle on! |
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January 18th, 2008 You can look forward to the introduction of Zhoom's quest chain, the ranger class, and the race to the Orb of Light. All set against the struggle of the resistence under Sek-Duat XV. Can you find the orb before Sepulchure, save the people from Sek-Duat, avoid getting sand in your eyes... or will you bow into the wind and be buried beneath the dunes?
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2008 I spent my day making houses (for
the villagers, not for you), writing cutscenes, making background items,
sand, sand dunes, sand monsters,
and Sek-Duat XV's
Imperial palace.
seat of power for the entire Sandsea and the place that the dynasty has
ruled the land for generation after generation. Few people have ever
entered the palace and fewer still have left it. Still, it's pretty though.
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2008 Thank to those of you who helped us test it, and gave us necessary feedback on the forums. As you know, the DeathKnight armor will EVENTUALLY be available through Artix's mini-zone located just outside Amityvale near the graveyard. Sir malifact is itching to give it to you (and turn your heart a little more toward the Darkness) but now we begin the long rebalancing stage. We really want you guys to realize that your ideas help to shape the game, and we were really pleased that so many of you participateed in testing the armor. If you had fun with it, let us know and we'll try to work more things like that into Ballyhoo next time she appears in Falconreach! I should probably say something about The Sandsea. If you were to leave Falconreach and head vaguely south, southeast for a few days, you would see the terrain slowly changing from rich green forests, to the dry, dusty farmlands on the outskirts of The Sandsea. Life is hard on the edges of the desert but the people have adapted and the honey-cactus farms thrive there. If you had a really good reason, or you were crazy you could keep heading south into The Sandsea. Travlers beware: if you are thirsty enough your mind will play tricks on you. Too many heroes have been lost in The Sandsea chasing mirages... never to be seen again. There are sand dunes as far as the eye can see, when not blinded by the fierce sandstorms (with winds strong enough to tear flesh from bone if you get caught out in the open). If you were enough lucky to find an oasis amongst the sun-bleeched stones and rolling waves of sand, then you might make it to the next settlement. There you would find a small tribe of desert people who have lived under the rule of the oppresive Sek-Duat dynasty. You would not hear a harsh world spoken against the mighty Sek-Duat XV, the current ruler of The Sandsea... the people know better. The desert people have a saying "Each grain of sand is one of the ears of Sek-Duat", and it seems to be true, for anyone who speaks out against the emporer goes missing by the next sunrise. For 1500 years, the family has ruled the scorching sands, passing the crown to the first-born male, and each new emperor seems more insane and cruel than the last. The other thing that the people of the sands never speak of is the resistance. No one is a member. No one knows where they meet. Every time they attack one of Sek-Duat's massive treasuries, or attack one of the platoons of royal guards in the middle of the night, the emperor squeezes the people a little more tightly, but either they know nothing... or they are unwilling to talk. Enter Zhoom: Riding into The Sandsea from parts unknown is a ranger whose name is spoken in dark places by frightening people. Some say that he is the most dangerous man alive, other say that he is the most dangerous man who has EVER lived. The people who have met him know the truth... He is only dangerous if you fail to pay him, and Sek-Duat XV has paid him VERY well to track down and eliminate every last member of the resistance. Ghost is working on several new monsters, and a really cool animated cutscene to introduce Zhoom. Geo is building 3 new quests to start the zone off and Rolith is coding up a few surprises to put inside them. I'm going to see if i can talk Canon into doing a little music for Ghost's cutscene. |
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2008 The actual mini-puzzle game to train up your alchemist skill wasn't as hard to finish as the tutorial was. It's really hard to explain something that you see to clearly in your head. ALSO this week: It's not much but I should mention it. We've been reading a lot on the forums that people have wanted a helm to match their DragonLord armor. Personally I feel that matching attire is much less fun, but you guys said it and so you get it. We are releasing the Dragonmaster helm (an exact replica of Dragonmaster Frostscythe's) and I went though personal pains to make SURE that it matches the DragonLord armor. You will be able to find this helm in Cysero's Cuperctore of Cavings (heh) and it's is the MOST expensive helm but it's beats the Lavis helm into the ground. The stats are sweet AND it matches? No, you're not dreaming. Another small note: Ballyhoo is packing her stuff. Some of you might see her button over the weekend, and some of you might not... but next week, the takes to the interdimensional roads once again and she's taking the DK armor with her! We're testing the release now, so it won't be long! Just hold tight a little bit longer and it will be coming right to you! Oooh geo just said that the alchemy tutorial was the most clearly explained thing in DF so far. YES! |
January 9thithish, 2008 P.S. I AM NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT ANYTHING WITH THE LETTERS V OR T IN IT! Perserverence: a virtue, implies persistence, endurance, hardiness, fortitude, stamina, robustness and tolerance. It is constant persistence in a course of action, purpose, or state, steadfast pursuit of an aim, tenacious assiduity or endeavor, continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of ... (Definition from Google) I think it is perserverence... not smarts, not born-talent, not luck that empowers people to achieve their life goals. If we fall over... I think it's luck. ...we just get back up and keep going. ...if you're lucky. Battle on! |
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2008 There is a small band of freedom fighters (who will probably be asking for your help), but the ruler is growing tired of this pathetic resistance and has hired a ranger to hunt them down and deal with them. This is a ranger with legendary and deadly skills... A ranger who has never once lost his prey and will hunt anything for the right price.... a ranger named ZHOOM! I got the chance to bust out my sketchbook and start doing some concept art for the zone. The final versions will probably look nothing like these, but I thought I would scan a page of sketches and let you guys see into my head. This zone WILL NOT be released this Friday. We have only just begun working on it, and we've got a long way to go before you get to meet Zhoom. THIS week, we're getting around to something that we've wanted to do since you guys first mentioned it. Reens has finally finished unpacking, found all her Master Alchemist outfit, and her shop will (hopefully) be opening this Friday!. Reens will serve as your teacher and will test your knowlesde of the transmutation circle, as you learn to MAKE BETTER HEALING POTIONS YOURSELF! Like blacksmithing, your basic alchemy training will go up to level 35. For every level that you test you will improve the potentcy of your healing potions. If you have trained all 35 available levels of basic alchemy (at level 35, you can only train up yo your current level) then EACH of your healing potions will heal you for 625 HP! Learning basic alchemy is the only the first step in becomine a true Alchemist! As the game progresses, you will have the option to learn more and more alchemy skills, until you become a Transmutation Grandmaster! The ability to make your heling potions more potent is a VERY powerful skill that will change the way that a LOT of people play Dragonfable so don't expect it to be cheap, but it will be well worth the gold! Rolith is hard at work on the transmutation circle mini-game that will be used in your basic alchemy training, as well as a material gathering quest that geopetal is building for you. This will be fun! |
January 7th, 2008 "Heya all, Geopetal: Wow, they saved the day! ***Oaklore, not Falconreach. The DeathKnight armor will still be up for testing. |
January 4rth, 2008 |
3rd, 2008 We still need to select a final design, vectorize it (Fact: "Vectorizing" is a term we came up with and have been using for nearly 5 years... and surprisingly we can say it with a straight face., then color it -- and make any parts modular and/or animated.... then build the cutscenes. You can not tell from the tiny pictures in the collage, but each of these drawings are HUGE -- each on a sheet of comic drawing paper here. The ones we do choose will not go to waste.... the armor in the lower right hand of the collage in perticular is is amazing. With all of the back and forth (Cysero, Thyton, Geo, and myself are all heavily involved in this looking perfect) it takes a great deal of time to produce each of them. This will come down to the wire as vectorizing and coloring something this complex and detailed could take.... well, look at the side view Sepulchure armor below for reference! Doing the front of Sepulchures helm was a huge challenge.... I did not put the dozens of back and forth sketches from Cysero, Thyton and I..... but the one in the upper left hand corner of the collage is our favorite. Miltonius is animating the Sepulchure "Fluffy" tranformation cutscane and Rolith is coding the Titan battle. Tomorrow's Titan battle.... Forum Question: The battle will take place on your Dragon... but what attire will you wear to the epic smack-talking pre-fight showdown? We want to know! See you on the forums! |
2nd, 2008 * We shoved all of the chaotic papers, nerf guns, remote controlled thingies and swords (omg there were swords everywhere) into the nearest drawer, cubbboard and closet then forced them shut and locked them! |
1st, 2008 (Take that time Fairies!) My Father has a tradition of always working on the 1st of the New Year.... so, you bet I will be at the Secret Underground Lab tomorrow getting ready to charge into the New Year with the team! (Of course we might be a little overboard at the moment... it is 12:33am and Rolith and Geo and Warlic just left *glances at the screen* and Cysero is still online updating too. The moral of the story is, never go to Artix's for a party when he says, "please bring your laptops". I did cook a little though*! We kicked off 2008 with a hearty toast of Gingerale in fancy looking glasses**... but there is one more toast to make; *raises his glass with a toast* "To you and your family -- may 2008 bring you happiness, joy and warm memories that will last a lifetime. Battle on!" * There may be survivors. Happening Now |
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