Wednesday, December 28, 2011
A Frosty Redesign!
Dracelix has revamped a very special set of weapons for the Frostval finale boss fight this week! Check them out in all their frosty goodness!
This Friday we'll have to face down Rolith and try to save the holiday! I don't think those poor moglins can take anymore silly hat days.... Rolith himself is programming his boss monster. Every time I ask how it's going he just starts twirling his moustache and laughing. Which is weird 'cause I'm not sure where he got the moustache from.
Friday is also going to be presents day! Dracelix has worked hard on some crazy awesome weapons to go with a very special gift from Ghost!
Time is ticking down on those Chaorrupted Clocks. If you want your chance at the exclusive Chronocorrupter Armor in DF, there are very few calendars left!
This armor is definitely unique to DF!
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