
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Scrying in the Shadows

You've found out about Serenity's past life as Dyana, Jaysun's Shadow Cape, the bloody history of the warlod Valtrith clan, and the Cultist massacre at Castle Nostromo by the Void Queen. Now, you need to find out how the Cult survived and thrived after waking Dyana, why Dyana ended up in Falconreach to start a new life as Serenity, and what Caitiff has been doing after Jaysun took that life from Serenity. You'll also need to track down an old... friend to answer a few questions about wars long past.

Be very careful, though, you'll need to use all your concentration to scry using those Darkness runes. When you peer into the shadows, one mistake, and a Shadow might peer back at you.

Warning: This quest may be too scary for those that suffer from heart conditions, asthma, or any type of mental, physical, or respiratory problems!