
Friday, January 24, 2014

Batoro and Robin!

Tomix needed some time this week to work on a certain chrono themed toy for you guys so San Robin, Verlyrus, and Ash have gotten together to make some fiendishly fun fights for you tonight! Like everything we do, it became slightly more complex the more time that was spent on it! Verlyrus and Ash had a lot of fun making the supervillains suuuuper evil this time around too! Make sure to hit the DF Strategy Forum if you have issues!

The Book 3 Battlespire has been overtaken and Batoro and San Robin both showed up at the same time to see what happened… now the new resident villains want to fight but no masks are allowed! So they need your help to take them doooooown! Can you beat all six of these new super villains?

DragonFable Battlespire

Tags: #geopetal