Friday, January 31, 2020
Book 3: Ash Reimagined
Hey there, heroes!
While we have a smaller release this week for you, it's another step forward along the path toward reworking Book 3's main story!
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Saturday, January 25, 2020
Australia Day 2020
Doing Our Part to Help: A Donation In Your Name
After we announced the Australia Day Shop and the DF team posted the above Design Notes, we got a number of touching messages and requests asking how to help those affected by Australia's wildfires.
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Friday, January 24, 2020
Six Heroes: Darkheart
Hey there, heroes!
This week, ring in the Lunar New Year with the latest installment of Six Heroes!
Last time we checked in with Falwynn, Faust, and Sophie, you were all reminiscing about the past, and how Faust and Sophie met.
But now... Falwynn awakens to her friends missing, and forest burning around her. What has happened?
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Friday, January 17, 2020
What's Mine is Yours!
Hey there, heroes!
This week in DragonFable, visit your favorite Boxcat in Book 3 Amityvale for a little chat. Turns out your fuzzy friend may be in some legal trouble! Oh no!
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Saturday, January 11, 2020
Hey there, heroes!
This week, the next quest in Book 3's main story is here! While Swordhaven has been under siege from monsters and elementals emerging from the out-of-control Magesterium rift, The Golden Hand, a pair of Magesters has made their way across the battlefield. As they approach their goal, will they make it in time? Or will Swordhaven be doomed to be buried under endless sand and sun?
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Friday, January 10, 2020
Release Delayed!
Hey there, heroes!
Unfortunately, this week's release has been delayed until tomorrow.
When we started the Greenguard Alliance story arc, we knew that making a 3-way choice was ambitious with our team size and resources, and sadly it's overflowing our workload.
We're working hard on getting this week's main story release- Daybreak- ready! (along with some bug fixes and updates!)
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Friday, January 3, 2020
Corrupted Seven: Pride
Hey there, heroes!

Show some humility and take down Pride in order to earn the Chibi Pride cape, and be prepared for the next Corrupted Seven update, when the locked chest finally opens!
Head over to the Inn at the Edge of Time to take on this month's challenge.

Have feedback about today's release, or the game? Having trouble with any fights? Want to discuss all things DragonFable?
Join the discussion on the official forums!
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