Tuesday, February 14, 2012
HHD Clues!
For those still working on the Hero's Heart Day release, here are the clues and their solutions!
Highlight to see the clues and their solutions:
Where Clawkin and Fairies play (HP, Hunt the Golden Cabit)
Through fields lit by fiery stream (The River of Fire, Warlic’s Zone)
Where spiders meet in long closed stores (Weaving Emporium, Ravenloss)
Where lightning flashes overhead (Sir Jing, Oaklore)
Within walls with glories long passed (Ruins of Sil)
Through caves of ice with golden gleam (A Cold Reception, Dragesvard)
Where cypress tree o’er vast swamp grows (Crystal Clear Lake, Amityvale)
By fountain’s flow and waterfall’s spray (The Pure Pool, Warlic’s zone)
Skies are traced with bits of string (String Thing, Lim’s Shop)
On the course where everything moves fast (Velocity, Lim)
Through the woods before the dray (escort from verteroche to willowshire)
In verdant fields with poppies red (There’s no Place Like Oaklore, Sir Ano)
Where ravens fly through memory’s dream (Memory Demons, Darkness Orb)
On the trail in shades of grey (Never Say Die, Ash)
Where flower blooms on endless shores (Blue Lotus, Sandsea)
Where water lives and breathes and flows (It’s A Wash, Bacon Chain, Valencia)
Where the elements join together in assault (elemental attack)
Where the bones of dead miners lay (What’s Mine is Mine, Willowshire)
Where vultragon hunt with stenchfly (Dye another Day, Ash)
Where apple and tiger fight together. (Gravitivity, Clashening, Lim)
Where gourds grow big and ravens fly. (Pumpkin Patch, Amityvale)
Where forest furies' fruit grows. (The Mollo Tree, Oaklore)
A serene place. (Serenity's Inn, Falconreach – boss quest)
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