
is a HERO!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

HeroSmash Stress Test open to ALL!

This is what we call a Stress Test…. so let’s see if we can ACE it… or bomb it?

Ohhh yeah, you read correctly. HeroSmash is NOW open to everyone for a limited time! As we draw closer to Thyton’s Live Drawing Contest, we thought it would be a great idea to crash NOT ONLY AQWorlds servers… but also HeroSmash’s!

So while you are waiting for us to give Thyton a pep-talk right before the AQWorlds in-game drawing event streams LIVE from his desktop… head on over to HeroSmash and get your hero-ing on!

Remember folks, this is a STRESS TEST and it could be closed at any time. But in the meantime… and if the servers hold... anyone and everyone can play HeroSmash right now!

Now that’s what I call SUPER!


(borrowed from the super-awesome Beleen's heroic efforts on the AQWorlds Design Notes page!)